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The Friendship Circle promotes a greater awareness and understanding of the unique needs and the unique gifts of people with special needs and encourages respect and empathy for those facing challenges.


Children and teens with special needs and their families benefit from a wide array of innovative respite, social, and recreational programs. The Volunteer Club motivates, inspires and enriches the lives of the teen mentors.


Friendship Circle is made up of 6 jewels: children, families, volunteers, staff, supporters, and the community. The beauty of the circle is how we all link together to form a seamless circle of friendship.

Circle of friendship.PNG

We believe that each and every individual can be a productive member of the community and benefit from the social support of one's peers.

Our Mission

Based on the bedrock foundation of V’Ahavta L’Reacha Kamocha (Love your fellow as yourself), it is the Friendship Circle’s mission to:


  • Engage children and teens with special needs through a full range of experiences.

  • Provide parents and families of children and teens with special needs with much-needed respite and support.

  • Enrich, inspire and motivate teens through the sharing of themselves with others.

  • Create a sense of responsibility and connection to the Jewish community for teens through educational and social opportunities.

Our Mission

Our Vision

At the heart of all of Friendship Circle programming is the belief that each and every individual can be a productive member of the community and benefit from the social support offered by one’s peers. Friendship, acceptance and a chance to participate in socially accepted bonding opportunities are critical to achieving this type of inclusive society.


Friendship Circle aims to provide children and teenagers with autism and other special needs and their families with many of the social and recreational opportunities that are available to the general community. These experiences are essential building blocks for an individual to acquire confidence and self-esteem and to ultimately lead a productive, normative adult life.


We envision a world in which people with special needs and their families experience acceptance, inclusion and friendship as contributing members of society. We foresee a future where they never again have to suffer the social isolation that has often been so prevalent in society.


Friendship Circle aims to create an environment for teens that will nurture and inspire them with meaning, purpose and self-value; and create a connection to and responsibility for the greater Jewish community through innovative and stimulating programs. We see this as essential to developing and producing the members and leaders of tomorrow’s Jewish community.

Our Vision

Friendship Circle Today

Friendship Circle Jerusalem’s wide array of innovative programming promotes a greater awareness and understanding of both the unique needs and the unique gifts of those with special needs and encourages respect and empathy for those facing difficult challenges.


The children and families benefit from home visits, recreational group programming, summer camp, and athletic opportunities. Together with their families and communities, children and teens with special needs celebrate the holidays with exciting, inlcusive programs that bring to life the spirit and richness of the Jewish traditions.


The Volunteer Club offers meaningful opportunities and social events for the teen mentors.

Friendship Circle Today

We Need Your Support Today!

Friendship Circle, Central Jerusalem

Friendship Circle pairs teenage volunteers with children with special needs for camaraderie, activity, and inclusion.


Phone: 073-785-8528

Registered Non-Profit: 580590248

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